The wheels on the bus .…well they’re sticking a bit.

They said it could­n’t be done! The engines just could­n’t take any more, captain! But they (who is this “They?”, Ed) were wrong. I’ve taken on board some of the comments on layout, and hope­fully(!) made National ID Cards Even Easier.

Now before you rush off to read it, I want to thank the 11 people who voted in my “What shall I do next” poll. Six of you have told me that you want me to trans­late the snap­pily titled Delivering a Sustainable Transport System: Consultation on Planning for 2014 and Beyond into Real English. This is defin­itely going to be trick­ier than ID Cards, mostly because I have much stronger feel­ings about public trans­port. Mostly, the number 35 bus… gah! 

While you’re wait­ing with bated breath (you’d better be!), here’s the cunningly titled National ID Cards Explained:

National ID Cards explained

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Corinne Pritchard

Information Designer at Simply Understand
I believe design and design­ers can and should make the world a better place. I love design­ing things that help people under­stand complex ideas.

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2 thoughts on “The wheels on the bus .…well they’re sticking a bit.

  1. I think it’s a bit rich that they’re char­ging us 30 quid to get some­thing that then oblig­ates us to keep telling them about us or end up getting fined over £120. I for one won’t be apply­ing, unless it becomes compuls­ory — and if that happens I may end up leav­ing the coun­try rather than let Big Bro have my details. 

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