Service design conference

At the begin­ning of February I star­ted a bit of a career shift. From spare-time designer and full-time web editor, to full-time designer. My new job meant I moved halfway across the coun­try to Lancaster (aka the Frozen North), for a job in Academia — at a design research centre called Imagination. Yes, a designer for design­ers, aka a glut­ton for punish­ment. Now […]

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Finding the way

Part of what I am (or at least, will be) learn­ing in my Masters in Information Design at the University of Reading is ‘wayfind­ing’. Yes, signs. Surely, you might ask, that’s some­thing that town plan­ners, archi­tects, etc take care of? Well, they can if they want, but if you want the job done prop­erly, you might think about […]

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