NHS England

I was commis­sioned (see what I did there?!) to do two infograph­ics for the launch of the ‘new’ NHS, one on NHS Commissioning and one on how the NHS is monitored or safe­guarded. While I’m not sure whether they were used, and regard­less of my polit­ical feel­ings on the matter, under­stand­ing the changes is going to […]

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Hacking the NHS

Not the mean kind of hack­ing. The good kind. I’m going to go to my very first Hack Weekend in May 2012, and it’s all about hack­ing the NHS. The aim of a hack day is to find quick and dirty solu­tions to prob­lems that tech­no­logy can fully or partially solve. They don’t have to be finished, […]

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Explaining the NHS

Lately, I’ve been work­ing on help­ing our Heart Voices team at the British Heart Foundation develop flow­charts to explain the current state of the NHS, and the changes we’re expect­ing under the new legis­la­tion. We’ve also outlined the health services in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. We want to encour­age heart patients all over the UK […]

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Short shorts: Alcohol labelling

This is the first in a new series. Consultations in 200 words or less! This is the options for improv­ing inform­a­tion on the labels of alco­holic drinks to support consumers to make health­ier choices in the UK from the Department of Health. Get your ideas, thoughts and evid­ence in for 9 May 2010, email UKalcohollabelling@dh.gsi.gov.uk. You’re not supposed to […]

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