The Alternative Vote

The new govern­ment has prom­ised a refer­en­dum on the Alternative Vote (AV) — they want to ask us directly whether we want to stick with the system we’ve got, or change it to the Alternative Vote system. But what is this new system? If you want to know, or have family or friends who might be […]

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A request

Please vote tomor­row. Whatever the result, make sure you’ve played your part in it. This site exists to show you other, smal­ler ways you can change your world, but this is the real deal. Show them what you’re made of!

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On your marks, get set, vote!

It’s time for you to vote on what you’d like to see next at Simply Understand. For those who don’t know, this is how it works — I take three interesting-looking Government consulta­tions, and I let you fight it out for which one gets turned into an easy to under­stand version. These are the three consulta­tions up […]

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