Getting transport right for young people

Here are two infograph­ics I did for a report into ‘Why getting trans­port right matters to young people’ by the Campaign for Better Transport. The first high­lights the discre­pen­cies in the number of local author­it­ies offer­ing cheaper bus fares to disad­vant­aged groups: people who are young and unem­ployed, compared with people who are disabled and older people. The […]

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Designing an iPhone app

As part of the part-time Masters I’m doing in Information Design, we had to design an iPhone app. I’d already done a screen­shot idea for a London Bus app after Countdown the live bus track­ing system was launched, so I thought — hey, why not design a bus app? There’s loads out there just for track­ing buses, so I thought, what’s the […]

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