The Future is here!

Good even­ing!

Take one exceed­ingly long (58 pages), and exceed­ingly dull (I do wish I under­stood the kick you guys seem to get at the thought of buses and trains and the M42!), simmer and reduce since… early this morn­ing, add a bit of spice and colour, and voilà, here’s the UK trans­port plan for the next 7 years, in beau­ti­ful, short 15 page technicolour.

UK Transport Plan

Enjoy, my dears. A new poll for the Voting of the Next Victim will be up shortly!

I am quite proud of my little graphic here ->

You might not real­ise, but it’s actu­ally a quite accur­ate visual repres­ent­a­tion of the compar­at­ive pollu­tion break­down for most vehicles in the UK. I didn’t bother with ships and local air traffic, because they’re not some­thing most people bother about (I think!)

Blahblah, totally unof­fi­cial, if you are unsure about anything please ask me or check the original consulta­tion.

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Corinne Pritchard

Information Designer at Simply Understand
I believe design and design­ers can and should make the world a better place. I love design­ing things that help people under­stand complex ideas.

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One thought on “The Future is here!

  1. Depends on what you mean by “local air traffic” — I know plenty of people who fly from London to Newcastle or Glasgow because it’s both faster (just) and cheaper (considerably).On ships you’re right in within-the-UK-terms; ferries are relev­ant as a lower-pollution altern­at­ive to flying for inter­na­tional travel — but I assume the strategy is not inter­ested in inter­na­tional stuff.Thanks again, I shall defin­itely read when time permits :-) 

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