Food for thought

The British Heart Foundation runs a yearly campaign to get chil­dren and people who look after chil­dren to think about and under­stand what they’re eating and how to make the conscious choice to be healthier.

We ran a survey to find out more about how and what chil­dren in the UK eat and drink. One of the most strik­ing finds was how many kids were consum­ing full-fat fizzy pop and, yes, energy drinks, on a day to day basis (the idea of kids hyped up on caffeine strikes fear into my heart!).

I helped them make this infographic to illus­trate differ­ences across the UK:

Food for thought - fizzy drinks consumed by children in the UK

There’s a pretty clear north / south divide, but Scotland’s relat­ively low consump­tion habits came as a bit of a surprise to me!

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Corinne Pritchard

Information Designer at Simply Understand
I believe design and design­ers can and should make the world a better place. I love design­ing things that help people under­stand complex ideas.

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