Credit cards and store cards: an official translation

Simply Understand star­ted nearly a year ago with the not-so-simple idea of making a small corner of the UK’s demo­cracy more, well, democratic!

Everyone know how much of a struggle it can be to get your story heard by govern­ment insti­tu­tions. Consultations are supposed to be one way for us to get through, but so often they’re so complic­ated and over­whelm­ing. Sure, some­times they deal with complic­ated subjects, but no matter how complic­ated they are, don’t we all have a right to under­stand and contrib­ute to them?

With that in mind, today Simply Understand’s been given it’s first chance at a 100% genu­ine, offi­cial consulta­tion makeover! The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills are consult­ing on Credit cards and store cards. Their 100 page original consulta­tion has been reduced to just 10. You can:

The first step?

Is this the first step on the road to making all govern­ment consulta­tions easier to under­stand? It could be, but only if it actu­ally works. And that means more people reply­ing, more people down­load­ing and more people listen­ing and under­stand­ing. And if you read it through, and there are bits you don’t under­stand — well, I think that’s help­ful too, and you should tell them that. Because if you can’t under­stand it now, how’s it going to help anyone?

Pass it on!

Email, Messenger, Facebook, Twitter, Digg, heck even Myspace it, or just print it out and give it to people (double sided to save paper). The more people see this, the more chance we’ve got to encour­age more easy to under­stand consultations!

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Corinne Pritchard

Information Designer at Simply Understand
I believe design and design­ers can and should make the world a better place. I love design­ing things that help people under­stand complex ideas.

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5 thoughts on “Credit cards and store cards: an official translation

  1. Ah, I saw an article on this on the BBC site and I was so happy! Financial iunform­a­tion scared the cr*p outta me as, being dyslexic, I’m scared I’m going to misread soemthign and then get charged stupid amounts of money for it. Having the inform­a­tion in a format that’s easy to read and under­stand will make it a less scary prospect! 

  2. Thank you very much. This is defin­itely in the spirit of My Society — some­thing import­ant made simpler and easier, but without the need for Djikstra’s algorithm or the post code data­base ;-).Keep up the good work! 

  3. Thus is genu­inely excel­lent, makes some­thing that I would never normally read actu­ally access­ible and useful 

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