Three reasons to use plain language

A lot of organ­isa­tions are put off plain language because of the amount of effort it seems to require. The rounds of internal sign-off, the struggle against colleagues who aren’t aboard the plain language train need real persever­ance. It’s easy to give out negat­ive advice — you must­n’t do this, you must­n’t do that , […]

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Plain language prescriptions

Brilliant news today that research­ers from the University of Leeds have come up with a new set of instruc­tions for prescrip­tion medi­cines, and a great lesson on how language moves on, too. 50 years ago ‘drowsy’ could well have been a common way of saying you feel sleepy, but who uses it now? It also says some­thing about chan­ging attitudes […]

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Protecting shoppers online

The Office of Fair Trading is consult­ing on how to protect shop­pers online — so we all spend more, of course! But while they’re there this could be a great oppor­tun­ity for every­one from shop­pers to secur­ity experts to have their say. This summar­ises the main issues. Doing well so far Now, we’re already pretty good at buying things […]

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