Connecting the dots

Yesterday I had the pleas­ure of going to Open Tech UK. I was surprised they even let me in the door, these things are usually pass­word protected…

Once I got over the initial shyness, I managed to talk to plenty of people who really care about getting people involved. They included:

  • the Open Rights Group — these guys are big on respond­ing to consulta­tions that involve every aspect of our inter­net life. You can help them out with their responses. They also gave me a malteser.
  • Tom Watson MP, previ­ously Minister for Digital Engagement before his resig­na­tion from the cabinet. He ran away clutch­ing a hand­ful of Simply Understand leaflets.
  • The guys at MySociety (espe­cially Matthew Somerville). All their websites are amaz­ing, like FixMyStreet and TheyWorkForYou.

And I got to be over­ex­cit­able in the general direc­tion of Ben Goldacre and Heather Brooke (MP expenses whistle-blower extraordin­aire) about Simply Understand. They didn’t run away *too* fast, but I would­n’t blame them if they had!

Oh, and I nearly forgot that I heard some very excit­ing hints about a BBC liter­acy project. Should be great when it’s done!

There will be a new vote next week, so look out for it. In the mean­time, if you have anything you’d like me to trans­late into plain, jargon-free English, let me know with a comment, join the new Simply Understand face­book group, message me on Twitter or email. Pick one!

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Corinne Pritchard

Information Designer at Simply Understand
I believe design and design­ers can and should make the world a better place. I love design­ing things that help people under­stand complex ideas.

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