Food for thought

The British Heart Foundation runs a yearly campaign to get chil­dren and people who look after chil­dren to think about and under­stand what they’re eating and how to make the conscious choice to be health­ier. We ran a survey to find out more about how and what chil­dren in the UK eat and drink. One of the […]

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Finding the way

Part of what I am (or at least, will be) learn­ing in my Masters in Information Design at the University of Reading is ‘wayfind­ing’. Yes, signs. Surely, you might ask, that’s some­thing that town plan­ners, archi­tects, etc take care of? Well, they can if they want, but if you want the job done prop­erly, you might think about […]

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Metal and oil

Information is Beautiful is running a set of chal­lenges and awards for visu­al­isa­tion. Since I wasn’t short­l­is­ted, I can show you my entry in their first chal­lenge, which was to visu­al­ise how the world’s resources are rapidly running out. Being an optim­istic sort of person, I went with the worst case scen­ario, of course! See how the world’s resources might be […]

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Heart failure

Working as I do for the British Heart Foundation, every now and then I get a chance to do some infograph­ics for them. This one is for the aston­ish­ing amount of people living with heart fail­ure, versus our success in stop­ping people dying from a heart attack, and I did it as part of our Mending Broken Hearts campaign (the […]

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Plain language prescriptions

Brilliant news today that research­ers from the University of Leeds have come up with a new set of instruc­tions for prescrip­tion medi­cines, and a great lesson on how language moves on, too. 50 years ago ‘drowsy’ could well have been a common way of saying you feel sleepy, but who uses it now? It also says some­thing about chan­ging attitudes […]

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