Who has the best chance of understanding infographics?

This was the ques­tion my disser­ta­tion ended up answer­ing. It wasn’t neces­sar­ily the ques­tion I star­ted with, but hey, that’s science. Or some­thing like it. The answer is (depend­ing on the type of infographic): A man of above aver­age numer­acy with a doctoral-level degree between 45 and 54 years old. Apart from this singu­larly unhelp­ful cari­ca­ture, this is what else I found. […]

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Getting transport right for young people

Here are two infograph­ics I did for a report into ‘Why getting trans­port right matters to young people’ by the Campaign for Better Transport. The first high­lights the discre­pen­cies in the number of local author­it­ies offer­ing cheaper bus fares to disad­vant­aged groups: people who are young and unem­ployed, compared with people who are disabled and older people. The […]

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NHS England

I was commis­sioned (see what I did there?!) to do two infograph­ics for the launch of the ‘new’ NHS, one on NHS Commissioning and one on how the NHS is monitored or safe­guarded. While I’m not sure whether they were used, and regard­less of my polit­ical feel­ings on the matter, under­stand­ing the changes is going to […]

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Oscars special: top films visualised

In what is becom­ing some­thing of a trend, my entry for this month’s Information is Beautiful Awards did not make the short­l­ist (Matthew Lucas’ design is abso­lutely stun­ning). I will have to re-evaluate my non-use of Myriad Pro condensed. One day I might make it! But as the Oscars are swiftly approach­ing and this visu­al­isa­tion is all about the […]

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Infographics: the outer limits?

Infographics can be beau­ti­ful, inform­at­ive, fascin­at­ing, genu­inely enter­tain­ing and educa­tional. On a personal level, I’m a big fan. My own over­whelm­ing need to under­stand things to the best of my abil­ity has been nicely enhanced by this recent trend. Infographics come in a few flavours (chocol­ate, straw­berry and banana). There are straight-up graph types, area types, and in the […]

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Food for thought

The British Heart Foundation runs a yearly campaign to get chil­dren and people who look after chil­dren to think about and under­stand what they’re eating and how to make the conscious choice to be health­ier. We ran a survey to find out more about how and what chil­dren in the UK eat and drink. One of the […]

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