Who has the best chance of understanding infographics?

This was the ques­tion my disser­ta­tion ended up answer­ing. It wasn’t neces­sar­ily the ques­tion I star­ted with, but hey, that’s science. Or some­thing like it. The answer is (depend­ing on the type of infographic): A man of above aver­age numer­acy with a doctoral-level degree between 45 and 54 years old. Apart from this singu­larly unhelp­ful cari­ca­ture, this is what else I found. […]

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Getting transport right for young people

Here are two infograph­ics I did for a report into ‘Why getting trans­port right matters to young people’ by the Campaign for Better Transport. The first high­lights the discre­pen­cies in the number of local author­it­ies offer­ing cheaper bus fares to disad­vant­aged groups: people who are young and unem­ployed, compared with people who are disabled and older people. The […]

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NHS England

I was commis­sioned (see what I did there?!) to do two infograph­ics for the launch of the ‘new’ NHS, one on NHS Commissioning and one on how the NHS is monitored or safe­guarded. While I’m not sure whether they were used, and regard­less of my polit­ical feel­ings on the matter, under­stand­ing the changes is going to […]

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Tell me the (relative) truth

Ever wondered why in news­pa­per articles about science break­throughs, and partic­u­larly in medical stor­ies, scient­ists seem to be so… well.… cagey about their results? All those ‘may’s and ‘if’s! Can’t they even tell us what’s true and what’s not? We’re used to the idea that most of the time, truth is black and white. But when […]

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Oscars special: top films visualised

In what is becom­ing some­thing of a trend, my entry for this month’s Information is Beautiful Awards did not make the short­l­ist (Matthew Lucas’ design is abso­lutely stun­ning). I will have to re-evaluate my non-use of Myriad Pro condensed. One day I might make it! But as the Oscars are swiftly approach­ing and this visu­al­isa­tion is all about the […]

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