The vetting and barring scheme

As you may know, there’s a new system that’s been developed to try and protect chil­dren and vulner­able adults from abuse which means that a lot of people will have to register with an organ­isa­tion called the Independent Safeguarding Authority (the ISA), possibly as well as getting CRB checks (at least in the begin­ning). This is a hopefully […]

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Shaping the future of care together

Several friends have asked me to trans­late this paper. It’s been covered in the Guardian and other papers with quite a bit of contro­versy, so I was quite reluct­ant to do a proper paper. Given it’s sens­it­iv­ity for a lot of people living on disab­il­ity bene­fits at the moment, I want you all to be extra care­ful when you read […]

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