Noted: Beautiful Data Visualizations from the 19th Century

I wanted to make a note of a conver­sa­tion I keep having with people. Enough that I’m temp­ted to record my answer with a dicta­phone and just play it at them when asked. It goes some­thing like this: “This new infograph­ics trend is amaz­ing. Such a great way to present inform­a­tion. They’re so enga­ging and tell great stor­ies.” Me: “Yes, they’re lovely things, […]

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Noted: visualization awards shortlist

While I find myself increas­ingly scep­tical about the worth of infograph­ics, and indeed increas­ingly frus­trated that they’re not treated with the due care and atten­tion they need to be to actu­ally tell their story, they sure can be pretty on occa­sion. (Okay, I’m a sucker for pretty). Have a look at the short­l­ist for the Information is Beautiful visu­al­isa­tion awards: […]

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