Wayfinding: Harris Garden

This is the first in a series of posts about the projects I’ve been doing as part of my Masters in Information Design at the University of Reading. Information design is a diverse subject that takes in many discip­lines. One of those is wayfind­ing — the art and psycho­logy of lead­ing people in the right direc­tion, whether they […]

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What is information design?

What is inform­a­tion design? I often get asked this ques­tion, and just as frequently struggle to answer. It’s known loosely by other names, graphic commu­nic­a­tion, for example, and commu­nic­a­tion design. But it also over­laps with another term you might have heard, service design. Any closer? No? Oh. To others it’s a collec­tion of design discip­lines, with a little psychology […]

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Designing an iPhone app

As part of the part-time Masters I’m doing in Information Design, we had to design an iPhone app. I’d already done a screen­shot idea for a London Bus app after Countdown the live bus track­ing system was launched, so I thought — hey, why not design a bus app? There’s loads out there just for track­ing buses, so I thought, what’s the […]

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Book review: Thinking with type

I confess, I have a prob­lem. I’m typo­phobic. No, I’m not scared of typos (pedantry is the lowest form of inter­net argu­ment). However, the idea of having to make decisions about typo­graphy in virtu­ally any situ­ation does bring me out in a cold sweat. Not to mention my not-so-secret belief that typo­graphy does­n’t really mean nearly as much […]

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Infographics: the outer limits?

Infographics can be beau­ti­ful, inform­at­ive, fascin­at­ing, genu­inely enter­tain­ing and educa­tional. On a personal level, I’m a big fan. My own over­whelm­ing need to under­stand things to the best of my abil­ity has been nicely enhanced by this recent trend. Infographics come in a few flavours (chocol­ate, straw­berry and banana). There are straight-up graph types, area types, and in the […]

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Finding the way

Part of what I am (or at least, will be) learn­ing in my Masters in Information Design at the University of Reading is ‘wayfind­ing’. Yes, signs. Surely, you might ask, that’s some­thing that town plan­ners, archi­tects, etc take care of? Well, they can if they want, but if you want the job done prop­erly, you might think about […]

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